Hard material structures

Here is an example of a multilayer system in the literature:

Singh, S., Basu, S., Bhatt, P., Poswal, A.K., Phys. Rev. B, 79, 195435 (2009)

In this paper, the authors are interested in the interdiffusion properties of Ni into Ti through x-ray and neutron reflectivity measurements. The question of alloying at metal-metal interfaces at elevated temperatures is critically important for device fabrication and reliability.

The model is defined in NiTi.py.

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


First define the materials we will use

import numpy

from refl1d.names import *

nickel = Material("Ni")
titanium = Material("Ti")

Next we will compose nickel and titanium into a bilayer and use that bilayer to define a stack with 10 repeats.

# Superlattice description
bilayer = nickel(50, 5) | titanium(50, 5)
sample = silicon(0, 5) | bilayer * 10 | air

We allow the thickness to vary by +/- 100%

# Fitting parameters

The interfaces vary between 0 and 30 Å. The interface between repeats is defined by the interface at the top of the repeating stack, which in this case is the Ti interface. The interface between the superlattice and the next layer is an independent parameter, whose value defaults to the same initial value as the interface between the repeats.

bilayer[0].interface.range(0, 30)
bilayer[1].interface.range(0, 30)
sample[0].interface.range(0, 30)
sample[1].interface.range(0, 30)

If we wanted to have the interface for Ti between repeats identical to the interface between Ti and air, we could have tied the parameters together, but we won’t in this example:

# sample[1].interface = bilayer[1].interface

If instead we wanted to keep the roughness independent, but start with a different initial value, we could simply set the interface parameter value. In this case, we are setting it to 10 Å

# sample[1].interface.value = 10

We can also fit the number of repeats. This is not realistic in this example (the sample grower surely knows the number of layers in a sample like this), so we do so only to demonstrate how it works.

sample[1].repeat.range(5, 15)

Before we can view the reflectivity, we must define the Q range over which we want to simulate, and combine this probe with the sample.

T = numpy.linspace(0, 5, 100)
probe = XrayProbe(T=T, dT=0.01, L=4.75, dL=0.0475)
M = Experiment(probe=probe, sample=sample)
problem = FitProblem(M)