Channel measurement

In this example we will look at a nickel grating on a silicon substrate using specular reflectivity. When the spacing within the grating is sufficiently large, this can be modeled to first order as the incoherent sum of the reflectivity on the plateau and the reflectivity on the valley floor. By adjusting the weight of two reflectivities, we should be able to determine the ratio of plateau width to valley width.

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Since silicon and air are defined, the only material we need to define is nickel.

import numpy

from refl1d.names import *

nickel = Material("Ni")

We need two separate models, one with 1000 Å nickel and one without.

plateau = silicon(0, 5) | nickel(1000, 200) | air
valley = silicon(0, 5) | air

We need only one probe for simulation. The reflectivity measured at the detector will be a mixture of those neutrons which reflect off the plateau and those that reflect off the valley.

T = numpy.linspace(0, 2, 200)
probe = NeutronProbe(T=T, dT=0.01, L=4.75, dL=0.0475)

We are going to start with a 1:1 ratio of plateau to valley and create a simulated data set.

M = MixedExperiment(samples=[plateau, valley], probe=probe, ratio=[1, 1])

We will assume the silicon interface is the same for the valley as the plateau, which depending on the how the sample is constructed, may or may not be realistic.

valley[0].interface = plateau[0].interface

We will want to fit the thicknesses and interfaces as usual.

plateau[0].interface.range(0, 200)
plateau[1].interface.range(0, 200)
plateau[1].thickness.range(200, 1800)

The ratio between the valley and the plateau can also be fit, either by fixing size of the plateau and fitting the size of the valley or fixing the size of the valley and fitting the size of the plateau. We will hold the plateau fixed.

M.ratio[1].range(0, 5)

Note that we could include a second order effect by including a hillside term with the same height as the plateau but using a 50:50 mixture of air and nickel. In this case we would have three entries in the ratio.

We wrap this as a fit problem as usual.

problem = FitProblem(M)

This complete model script is defined in

import numpy

from refl1d.names import *

nickel = Material("Ni")

plateau = silicon(0, 5) | nickel(1000, 200) | air
valley = silicon(0, 5) | air

T = numpy.linspace(0, 2, 200)
probe = NeutronProbe(T=T, dT=0.01, L=4.75, dL=0.0475)

M = MixedExperiment(samples=[plateau, valley], probe=probe, ratio=[1, 1])

valley[0].interface = plateau[0].interface

plateau[0].interface.range(0, 200)
plateau[1].interface.range(0, 200)
plateau[1].thickness.range(200, 1800)

M.ratio[1].range(0, 5)

problem = FitProblem(M)

We can test how well the fitter can recover the original model by running refl1d with –random:

$ refl1d --random --store=T1