Adding an SiOx layer¶
We will tweak the fitting model a little to add an SiOx layer between
the silicon and the nickel. There is no justification for doing so for
this data (and indeeded, it sets the SiOx layer to almost pure Si), but
it does demonstrate a way to form a mixture of two materials by volume
from refl1d.names import *
Here is the mixture formula. We are giving the mass density along with the chemical formula for each part, followed by the percentage for that part. We are giving it the name SiOx so we can reference it later. Additional components woudl be added as material, fraction, material, fraction, … The bulk material will sum the fractions to 100%.
SiOx = Mixture.byvolume("Si@2.329", "SiO2@26.5", 50, name="SiOx")
nickel = Material("Ni")
sample = silicon(0, 5) | SiOx(10, 2) | nickel(125, 10) | air
The same fitting parameters as before…
sample["Si"].interface.range(0, 12)
sample["Ni"].interface.range(0, 20)
…with the addition of a volume fraction between 0 and 100% for the SiOx layer. The thickness on this layer is not fitted in this example because the system is already overparameterized (the sample data was generated without an SiOx layer).
sample["SiOx"].interface.range(0, 12)
sample["SiOx"].thickness.range(0, 20)
sample["SiOx"].material.fraction[0].range(0, 100)
The remainder of the problem setup is the same.
instrument = SNS.Liquids()
files = ["nifilm-tof-%d.dat" % d for d in (1, 2, 3, 4)]
probe = ProbeSet(instrument.load(f) for f in files)
M = Experiment(probe=probe, sample=sample)
problem = FitProblem(M)