Data stitching.
Join together datasets yielding unique sorted x.
from numpy import hstack, vstack, argsort, sum, sqrt
def stitch(data, same_x=0.001, same_dx=0.001):
Stitch together multiple measurements into one.
*data* a list of datasets with x, dx, y, dy attributes
*same_x* minimum point separation (default is 0.001).
*same_dx* minimum change in resolution that may be averaged (default is 0.001).
WARNING: the returned x values may be data dependent, with two measured
sets having different x after stitching, even though the measurement
conditions are identical!!
Either add an intensity weight to the datasets::
probe.I = slitscan
or use interpolation if you need to align two stitched scans::
import numpy as np
x1, dx1, y1, dy1 = stitch([a1, b1, c1, d1])
x2, dx2, y2, dy2 = stitch([a2, b2, c2, d2])
x2[0], x2[-1] = x1[0], x1[-1] # Force matching end points
y2 = np.interp(x1, x2, y2)
dy2 = np.interp(x1, x2, dy2)
x2 = x1
WARNING: the returned dx value underestimates the true x, depending on
the relative weights of the averaged data points.
if same_dx is None:
same_dx = same_x
x = hstack(p.x for p in data)
dx = hstack(p.dx for p in data)
y = hstack(p.y for p in data)
dy = hstack(p.dy for p in data)
if all(hasattr(p, "I") for p in data):
weight = hstack(p.I for p in data)
weight = y / dy**2 # y/dy**2 is approximately the intensity
# Sort the data by increasing x
idx = argsort(x)
data = vstack((x, dx, y, dy, weight))
data = data[:, idx]
x = data[0, :]
dx = data[1, :]
# Skip through the data looking for regions of overlap.
keep = []
n, last, next = len(x), 0, 1
while next < n:
while next < n and abs(x[next] - x[last]) <= same_x:
next += 1
if next - last == 1:
# Only one point, so no averaging necessary
# Pick the x in [last:next] with the best resolution and average
# them using Poisson averages. Repeat until all points are used
remainder = data[:, last:next]
avg = []
while remainder.shape[1] > 0:
best_dx = min(remainder[1, :])
idx = remainder[1, :] - best_dx <= same_dx
avg.append(poisson_average(remainder[:, idx]))
remainder = remainder[:, ~idx]
# Store the result in worst to best resolution order.
for i, d in enumerate(reversed(avg)):
data[:, last + i] = d
keep.append(last + i)
last = next
return data[:4, keep]
def poisson_average(xdxydyw):
Compute the poisson average of y/dy using a set of data points.
The returned x, dx is the weighted average of the inputs::
x = sum(x*I)/sum(I)
dx = sum(dx*I)/sum(I)
The returned y, dy use Poisson averaging::
w = sum(y/dy^2)
y = sum((y/dy)^2)/w
dy = sqrt(y/w)
The above formula gives the expected result for combining two
measurements, assuming there is no uncertainty in the monitor.
measure N counts during M monitors
rate: r = N/M
rate uncertainty: dr = sqrt(N)/M
weighted rate: r/dr^2 = (N/M) / (N/M^2) = M
weighted rate squared: r^2/dr^2 = (N^2/M^2) / (N/M^2) = N
for two measurements Na, Nb
w = ra/dra^2 + rb/drb^2 = Ma + Mb
y = ((ra/dra)^2 + (rb/drb)^2)/w = (Na + Nb)/(Ma + Mb)
dy = sqrt(y/w) = sqrt( (Na + Nb)/ w^2 ) = sqrt(Na+Nb)/(Ma + Mb)
This formula isn't strictly correct when applied to values which
have been scaled, for example to account for an attenuator in the
counting system.
# TODO: need better estimate of dx, with weighted broadening according
# to the distance of the x's from the centers.
# TODO: check the accuracy of the formula in the presence of
# attenuators.
x, dx, y, _dy, weight = xdxydyw
w = sum(weight)
x = sum(x * weight) / w
dx = sum(dx * weight) / w
y = sum(y * weight) / w
dy = sqrt(y / w)
# print "averaging", xdxydy, x, dx, y, dy
return x, dx, y, dy, w